Basic Kitchen Safety 

Did you know the kitchen has safety rules? This course teaches you the proper cutting techniques, the way to handle hot zones, proper kitchen attire, how to clean your tools. I will also share my secret recipe of making the most delicious Tres Leches.
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Basic Kitchen Safety

  • Author: Jawahir Mansoor
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Modules: 4
Write your awesome label here.
Course overview
Did you know the kitchen has safety rules? This course teaches you the proper cutting techniques, the way to handle hot zones, proper kitchen attire, how to clean your tools. I will also share my secret recipe of making the most delicious Tres Leches.
  • Videos: 22
  • Certificate: Yes
more about this course

Did you know the kitchen has safety rules? I will teach you the proper cutting techniques, the way to handle hot zones, proper kitchen attire, and how to clean your tools. I will also share my secret recipe for making the most delicious Tres Leches.

Cooking is fun, but kitchen safety is an absolute priority! This course is for anyone who handles, prepares or serves food. Learn how you can prevent accidents & food poisoning, act effectively in an emergency, and apply appropriate first aid for kitchen injuries. 

The kitchen is full of potentially dangerous things like knives, fire, and bacteria. In this course, you will learn how to keep it safe and clean. Cooking is fun, but kitchen safety is a priority.
At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • The types of knives
  • How to wash and store uniforms
  • All about the hot and cold zones 
Happy Learning

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Jawahir Mansoor

Food has always been a focus in my life. I am an excellent cook and an intelligent lady. I am a food entrepreneur, a food blogger, and I cater to all kinds of events. I am also an interior designer.
Patrick Jones - Course author