Boxing Fundamentals

  • Author: Oche Edache & Marcus Cortez Iwu   
  • Level: Beginner
  • Modules: 10
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Course overview
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life” – Muhammad Ali (Former Heavyweight Champion). Boxing is a skill that teaches you discipline, promotes physical health, endurance, agility, and it gives you the ability to defend yourself when necessary.
  • No. of Videos: 10
  • Certificate: Yes
This course highlights the best way to determine foot placement while boxing, and also debunks the myths surrounding boxing techniques.

Each short and detailed lesson is designed to equip you with the knowledge of the various techniques of boxing. Such as the jab, the stance, the straight right, the slip, and a few new combinations.

By the end of the course, you'll be fully equipped with valid knowledge to begin your boxing journey or explore more advanced levels of boxing. You’ll learn boxing techniques, how to deliver optimal punches, how to determine your dominant or weak foot and different ways to throw a punch.
This course provides useful guide and techniques to help you develop your boxing ability. Boost your stamina, endurance, and power to become a better boxer.

Boxing involves total body movement rather than just hand movement. This course extensively explains velocity, torque, and inertia and how these three function together to help the delivery of effective punches.

At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • The correct stance when boxing.
  • Different combinations when boxing.
  • Understand that the stance is very important in boxing.
Happy Learning. 

Course Content

Meet the instructor

Oche Edache & Marcus Cortez Iwu   

Oche Edache and Marcus Cortez are fitness enthusiasts, with a mix of martial arts and having over 5 years of experience. They came together to deliver this course in a very easy way to help you understand the Dynamics of boxing and how you can use it in your daily lives as a way of self defense.
Patrick Jones - Course author