Resolving Conflict in Marriage

  • Author: Austin James
  • Level: Beginner
  • Modules: 4
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Course overview
In view of the role of each partner in marriage, I designed this course is designed to help you reflect on love and respect within your marriage.
  • No. of Videos: 18
  • Certificate: Yes
For couples, certain practices can make your home happy if done properly. This course focuses on activities that each spouse will practice to have a happy home.

Words are powerful, you may unknowingly hurt your spouse with just a word and that may lead to crisis. You will learn how to choose your words wisely which will solve problems.
Marriage takes work, to have a crisis-free marriage, you must be intentional in your marriage. This course is designed to help couples to build a strong marriage where crisis are better managed and covers skills like emotional, financial, and communication skills.

Most married couples immediately expect their marriage to work and many assume that their marital problems will be fixed in time. Nothing is set by time. Every marriage is built upon basic principles, this course begins with the principles and tips on how to resolve conflict in marriage.
  • Understand how to take your place in the home
  • Be aware that words can affect your relationship positively or negatively
  • Understand and know what true love is
Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Austin James

Austine is a leadership expert, consultant, Youth Pastor/Evangelist, relationship and marriage coach/ counselor. He is Founder/Executive Director of African Leadership Renaissance. He is passionate about the emergence of true, responsible and incorruptible leaders. In the past one year, Over eight thousand young people have been trained on new paradigms, values and ideals that will see to the emergence of the Africa of our dreams.
Patrick Jones - Course author