Business Scaling and Exporting

Embark on a transformative journey to elevate your business to new heights by strategically expanding into international markets. This comprehensive course is tailored to equip entrepreneurs and business leaders with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the intricacies of global expansion, unlocking untapped opportunities for growth and diversification.

What's included?

  • Quiz
  • Certification




More about the course

Exporting creates revenue. This is not just the case for large multinational corporations, but for companies of almost any size, even those with limited resources. In some cases, these smaller companies can survive only by depending upon foreign markets when the domestic market becomes stagnant or troubled. 

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By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Sharpen Your Market Focus: Identify both internal strengths and weaknesses within your business to effectively navigate new markets.
  • Navigate the Business Landscape: Evaluate the financial, management, and operational implications of entering new export markets.
  • Seize Opportunities and Mitigate Risks: Analyze external market factors, pinpointing potential opportunities and threats to inform your export strategy.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Development Bank of Nigeria

Development Bank of Nigeria exists to alleviate financing constraints faced by Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria through providing financing, partial credit guarantees and technical assistance to eligible financial intermediaries on a market-conforming and fully financially sustainable basis.

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