Channel-Ops Champions Certification Programme (CCCP) 

The CCCP is the foundational/basic level of the Channel Ops certification project and would cater to the competency needs of all staff that operate at the touchpoints and service frontlines.

These groups of employees are critical to the continued competitiveness of the bank and must therefore complete and pass this certification program at the agreed cutoff mark.

The programme is rigorous and intensive and will prepare the workforce with multiple skills and knowledge to perform optimally at all times.


Virtual + Online


20th May, 2023






1 Day Virtual
4 Weeks LMS
2 Weeks Project
Powered by:

Program Objectives / Take Away

  • The most critical goal of this first-level certification is to set the ground for a successful and profitable bank, by grooming officers with service, sales and digital mentality.
    More specifically, the learners will leave with the following:

  • Improved knowledge about the banking industry, especially the future trajectory.
  • The influence and direction of digitalization in banking.
  • Greater knowledge of service processes, service attitudes, and service delivery.
  • Basics of marketing and sales of financial products using everyday digital means.
  • Become better brand ambassadors of the bank.
  • Understand the basics of product development and innovation.

We are just a click away for support and enquiries. 

For Calls, click any of the numbers below

+234 813 279 9379

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Course contents

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Instructor Engagement Time

The instructor will spend 1 day with the delegates on Microsoft Teams, introducing the course, doing a case study, and taking the first set of lessons. 

Continue on the Learning Management System (LMS)

After the 1-Day Instructor engagement, delegates will continue on the LMS for 4 weeks taking the other pre-recorded lessons and quizzes. 

Projects and Assessments 

For another 2 weeks, projects will be given covering all aspects of the training, which delegates will answer and submit on the LMS. These will be scored and posted to each delegate's dashboard.

Certification Exam

At a designated date after the training, delegates will write an exam and, upon meeting the cut-off mark, be awarded a certification. 
Write your awesome label here.