Educative African Stories for Kids

  • Author: Fatima Muhammad
  • Level: Basic
  • Modules: 10
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Course overview
This course is a compilation of short stories told in a fun and relaxed manner, bringing back stories and songs about our societal values and culture to help heal our world.
  • Videos: 13
  • Certificate: Yes
more about this course

Let's take a dive into this course and understand good manners goes from love, to obedience, help, neighborliness, the magic words of please, thank you, sorry and many more. This course is here to educate young minds on exciting African stories through the use of videos and songs. 

This course teaches the learners how to respect and appreciate cultures, tribes, religions as well as to promote good attitudes, combining ideas and lessons from parents, storytellers, elders and kids. The course is delivered in English, and songs are included to better convey the message to the intended audience in an easily understandable way.

key lessons from this course
At the end of this course, you will have gained the following: 
  • Cleanliness 
  • Punctuality
  • Obedience 
Happy Learning. 

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Fatima Muhammad 

Commonly known as Salsfateetee is an Arewa Afro pop singer, she has collaborated with many famous artists such as Dj AB, North king and so much more. She is also the CEO of brandsbysals, a fragrance and footwear brand. 
Patrick Jones - Course author