Hidden Secrets Behind the HR

  • Author: Hajarah Sani
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Modules: 7 
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Course overview
Human resource management is a more complex paradigm than we think. If you're an employer, an employee, or even a human resource manager, then join me as I take you through the duties, the truths and the myths surrounding HR management.
  • No. of Videos: 11
  • Certificate: Yes
I designed the course to let you in on the hidden secrets behind HR. Each module contains useful information that exposes you to the various aspects that contribute to Human Resource Management. 

This course is structured to help you understand Human Resource Management, by focusing on the objectives and principles. Light will be shed on the factors of compensation and benefits in relation to Human Resource Management.
You'll come to realize that an awareness of your personal development has a key impact on the organization you work for and your career in general. By seeking ways to take relevant online courses and acquire professional certification, you can begin to harness the potential within you.

You will see that personal development is not only restricted to your career it is also in all aspects of your life. At the end of this course, you would have gained enough knowledge on how to manage people and yourself, which you can apply in your interactions in life.

At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • Knowledge of the principles of human resource management.
  • Insights into personal development for success.
  • Effective communication skills. 
Happy Learning. 

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Hajarah Sani

I am a human resource manager at save the children foundation, and I have been in this career field for 4 years now. I crafted this course to help the understanding of the role HRM's in organizations play. 
Patrick Jones - Course author