Risks are mostly unforeseeable events that happen to us as individuals and to our businesses. We mostly likely do not have control over them but we can put a plan in place that could help in recover from it. This is why this course is designed to teach you how to develop strategies that will allow you to deal with risks as they arise. You will learn about risk management strategies, insurance, and the various services or products available when obtaining insurance.
This course is developed by the the Financial Literacy Working Group and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
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More about the course
While we plan how we spend our money and establish future objectives, we have made significant progress toward regaining financial control over our lives. Nevertheless, unforeseen or unpredictable things can happen that seriously hinder our ability to carry out the plans and objectives we have set for ourselves. A family member getting sick, a car accident, a fire, a burglary, a natural disaster, etc. are just a few of the risks we face every day. Even though we are powerless over these risks, we can make plans to deal with them in order to safeguard our families, our property, and our businesses.
What You Will Learn
How to manage various risks of life.
The concept of insurance
The services and products available for people with low income.
How to access various insurance services or product
How to protect your assets when you die through a will.
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