Marketing and Sales Techniques

Marketing and Sales Techniques offers a comprehensive overview of essential concepts and practical strategies for succeeding in the dynamic fields of marketing and sales. Participants emerge equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective marketing campaigns, drive sales growth, and achieve organizational objectives.

What's Included?

Interactive videos

59 Videos


9 Modules


Final Examination


1 Certificate

More about the course

Marketing and Sales Techniques is a comprehensive course covering foundational concepts and advanced strategies essential for success. Participants learn market research, analysis, and effective marketing planning, along with sales processes, customer relationship management, and organizational strategies. Equipped with diverse skills, participants are ready to drive growth and achieve goals in marketing and sales.

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By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Proficiency in conducting market research and analysis.
  • Knowledge of leveraging the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) for strategic advantage.
  • Techniques for overcoming common sales objections and closing deals successfully.
  • Confidence to drive growth, foster customer relationships, and achieve organizational goals in marketing and sales domains.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Development Bank of Nigeria

Development Bank of Nigeria exists to alleviate financing constraints faced by Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria through providing financing, partial credit guarantees and technical assistance to eligible financial intermediaries on a market-conforming and fully financially sustainable basis.

Patrick Jones - Course author