Military Leadership in a Security-Challenged Environment in Nigeria

  • Author: LT. Gen. Farouk Yaaya
  • Level: Advanced
  • Access: Lifetime
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Course Overview
Military leadership in a security-challenged environment demands exceptional skills, adaptability, and resilience. This course is designed to provide military personnel with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in leading their teams in complex and high-risk security environments.

The Nigerian Army Resource Original

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More About This Course skills

Leadership is everything, particularly in the military. It involves the employment of skills and competences and it determines life and death. Every achievement is as a result of leadership. Imagine a Commander who is assigned a unit, and resources and everything required to achieve results, without leadership, success is not certain. Every aspect of life, even in the family is not without problems, and it is with leadership these problems can be resolved. The military needs to recognise the importance of leadership in the development of people and the accomplishment of set goals within an organisation or society.


At the end of this Military Leadership course, you will gain;

#1 Conceptual Clarification

We learn more about the concepts below. 
Military, Leadership, Military-Leadership, Security, Security-Challenged Environment

#2 Nigerian Security Environment

Nigerian security has faced complex security challenges owing to social, economic, political and ideological issues, some of which degenerated into intense arms struggles leading to military interventions.

#3 Levels and Functions of Military Leadership

Learn different levels and functions of a Military Leadership and how they operate.
Meet the instructor

The Nigerian Army Resource Original

Explore the details of our meticulously crafted original course at the Nigerian Army Resource Center (NARC). Developed with precision, this program is not just engaging but also a valuable resource. At NARC, our core values drive our determination to make a positive difference for the Nigerian Army in terms of optimizing national security, state-building, and Nigeria's role as a regional peace and security contributor.
Join us in this educational journey committed to excellence. Happy Learning!
Patrick Jones - Course author