Mind Mapping - Improving Everyday Productivity

  • Author: Amu Ogbeide
  • Level: Beginner
  • Modules: 5
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Course overview
A strategic tool that enhances planning and productivity. I will teach you how to create and understand mind maps. Productivity is a map away.
  • No. of Videos: 7
  • Study Time: 28mins
  • Certificate: Yes
This course will develop your brainstorming, preparation, design, and productivity skills. Learn how to efficiently optimize your productivity, execute tasks, and brainstorm.

Think clearly and streamline thoughts so that you can easily communicate them. Organize thoughts, suggestions, or objectives easily. Prepare activities, speeches, documents, business plans, or marketing plans effectively. Enhance the knowledge of cognition.
At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • The concept of mind mapping
  • The importance of creating a mind map
  • How to create your own mind map
Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Amu Ogbeide

I have founded and run multiple businesses across diverse sectors in Nigeria and internationally. I currently have a robust Service Excellence Framework, which I offer as a Masterclass and/or Consulting Experience for many institutions in banking, pension, SME, Oil & Gas, and many more over the last 15 years. I am bringing knowledge and real-world experience to this course to make your business a huge success. 
Patrick Jones - Course author