Personal Effectiveness, Time-Management and Work-Life Balance

  • Author: Dr. Solomon Avbioroko
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Modules: 4
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Course overview
Are you struggling to find the balance between work and life? Do you fail to meet up plans or spend time with family? Learn how to manage yourself. Join me as I teach you how to deliver results, and still spend time doing things outside work.
  • No. of videos: 15
  • Certificate: Yes
Most times, people spend a lot of time occupied during the day, only to end up wondering why they did not achieve much by the end of the day. They are unable to account for most of the time spent doing work, they take work home, return home late or spend little or no time with their families. To help you perform better as a person, you will learn what you must do to have a productive day, and the things you need to avoid so that you can get the most out of your day.
You will become more aware of your time and also identify what takes up your time, and if you are achieving your goals and being productive.

You'll learn:
  • How to create a work-life balance
  • How to identify time wasters that stop you from achieving your goals
  • How to assess your time spent in a day

Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Dr. Solomon Avbioroko

Dr. Solomon Avbioroko started his working career in broadcasting. He also worked with the Industrial Training Fund, the apex manpower development organization in the country for about 15 years. He is currently the MD/ C.E.O of Smeep Consultancy Services Limited, a provider of knowledge capital in business analytics, leadership and culture change for success in corporate organization. He has impacted the lives of thousands of employees and added value to the operations of many corporate organizations, with his prowess in consultancy and manpower development, drawn from his very broad training and development exposure over the years. 
Patrick Jones - Course author