The Basics of Yoga

  • Author: Christine Sit
  • Level: Beginner
  • Modules: 5
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Course overview
The benefits of Yoga go beyond the body and mind. In this course, I will teach you proper Yoga forms for beginners. Improve your spinal movement, upper and lower body, and learn core strengthening techniques. It teaches movements that help prevent loss of basic mobility of the spine. 
  • No. of videos: 25
  • Certificate: Yes
The course begins with an exercise that focuses on the spine and details how yoga can help you maintain a healthy spine for as long as possible. You will realize that you can easily execute these basic exercises, and discover how Yoga can help you maintain a stable and healthy mind and body. 
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The modules go through each exercises step by step to help you see the muscles and joints that must be fully engaged for proper execution, and ensure that you bring no injuries to your body. By the end of this course, you will attain new levels of physical and mental well-being, and will be fully equipped with the basic knowledge and can make the decision to further advance and explore new levels.

Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Christine Sit

I am a Freelance Illustrator, with a Bachelors degree in Visual Art and a Masters Degree in Philosophy. My journey into the yoga world began out of a desire to heal from an injury. Years of consistent practice led me to see the practice of Yoga as a better way of living. I am the founder of C. For Studio located in Hong Kong, where I serve as a Yoga instructor and teach people to experience the world of Yoga.
Patrick Jones - Course author