The Life of an Entrepreneur 101

  • Author: Khalifa Abbas
  • Level: Basic
  • Modules: 3
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Course overview
Every entrepreneur is like a fingerprint. The journey of each is going to be unique and different. This path comes with hurdles, challenges, and opportunities. So, learn of ways to overcome those challenges and convert the opportunities into wealth.
  • No. of Videos: 5
  • Certificate: Yes
more about this course
A lot of people have a fairy-tale imagination of what it is like to be an entrepreneur. Starting a business includes identifying and coping with many challenges, including legal issues, finance, sales and marketing, the security of intellectual property, protection of liability, human resources, and more. By the end of this course, you will acquire knowledge of what entrepreneurship is and how to start a business.
This course starts by introducing you to entrepreneurship and what it entails, and why it is an amazing journey to embark on.

key lessons from the course
At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • Steps to follow as an entrepreneur
  • Getting a mentor as an entrepreneur
  • How to overcome failure as an entrepreneur
  • Challenges faced by an entrepreneur.
Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Khalifa Abbas

Khalifa is a chief managing director of Amir Khalifa Football Academy, the executive director of Golden Global Dynamics Synergy Limited, and a movie director. In this course, he shares his experiences and the steps needed for you to start up a business, and how you can run multiple businesses at the same time.
Patrick Jones - Course author