The Smart Hustler Game Plan

  • Author: Ebuka Anichebe
  • Access: 1 Year
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Course overview
Every successful entrepreneur knows that the key to building a thriving business is proficiency in both the boardroom and on the streets. A smart hustler is someone who possesses the mental flexibility to maneuver both worlds to achieve success. This course offers you that mental flexibility and is designed to help entrepreneurs grow and maximize their business for profits.
  • Video time: 2:25 hours
  • Certificate: Yes
  • Lessons: 23 Modules
More about this course
This course provides a comprehensive roadmap on the entrepreneurial journey. From listening to the engaging stories mentioned in this course, you'll realize that there are strategies and mindsets employed by the street-savvy that you can adopt to grow your brand or service. With each lesson, you get immersed into the facets of business, and you will see that your ability to plan, to keep your customers, and your team all contribute to helping you grow and maximize your business for profit.

You will also understand that as a business owner or service provider, you should adopt a mindset of planting and growing, as opposed to going with the flow, and you will learn to identify internal or external factors that sap your energy and time.

No matter your type of business, or the stage you are in, The Smart Hustler Game Plan is that guide you need to develop the psyche of street-smart people who possess the wisdom, the market intelligence and the hustle required to grow and succeed. 
The smart hustler game plan is a guide on developing the psyche of street-smart people and market intelligence for service-based professionals. This course is designed to help entrepreneurs grow and maximize their business for profits.

key lessons from the course
At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • How to build your relevance and positioning in today's competitive market
  • The types of partnerships to forge in life to succeed
  • About the transferrable skills that the smart hustler must possess
  • The strategies to grow and retain customers
  • How to build a winning team that runs connects with the brand and the customers
  • How to tell better stories and beat the competition
At the end, its all about fueling the hustle, generating sales and profits, growing your business and making an impact in the world.  

Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Ebuka Anichebe

Ebuka is an author, a distinguished teacher, and a business coach. His ten-year career span in professional services has included positions in senior executive management, sales and marketing, business process re-engineering, and brand management departments. He has also set up non-government institutions, a wide variety of small and medium scale enterprises, and several local government agencies.
Some of his clients include Industrial Training Fund, Institute of Planning, ASO Savings and Loans PLC, Nigerian Television Authority, Seat of Wisdom Model Schools, Abuja Shelter, NNPC, Federal Inland Revenue Service, NAPIMS, PPMC, and several other SMEs.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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