Limited Time Offer! This course is part of the Thrive Kit Bundle containing 2 other courses for 60% Discount. 

Collaboration - Building your Ecosystem for Success

  • Author: Sapphital Original
  • Level: Beginner
  • Modules: 7
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Course overview
This skill is the most important factor for profitability. Collaboration is critical for successful innovation, boosts morale across your organization, leads to higher retention rates, and makes us more efficient workers. We sometimes find ourselves in conditions where we are less willing to collaborate in an organizational context. In this course, you will learn all you need to know about teamwork.
  • No. of Videos: 9
  • Certificate: Yes
more about the course
The idea of collaboration seems easy enough, but sometimes, it can be challenging to collaborate with others. Each person on a team has strengths and weaknesses, communication preferences, and personal goals. In this course, you will understand how to work well and accommodate others.

In this course, you will understand that collaboration takes place everywhere. This course discusses how you can best understand the people you work with,  the importance of collaboration, and ways collaboration can yield productivity and progress in the workplace and everywhere. 
This course looks at the collaboration process in its entirety, teamwork dynamics, necessary skills, motivational factors, and conflict management. In this course, you will understand ways of ensuring collaborative teams work successfully within a company.

At the end of this course, you will have gained the following:
  • What it means to collaborate with others 
  • Why collaborative approach is beneficial in teamwork
  • Ways to understand your team better
Happy Learning.

Course contents

Remember, for less than the price of this course, you can get the full Thrive Kit Bundle with 2 other courses, all at 60% Discount. 
Meet the instructor

Sapphital Original 

This is a Sapphital Original course. This course has been carefully developed and delivered engagingly to foster learning through a collaborative effort of a team of researchers, content developers, animators, videographers, graphic designers, voice-over artists. The coming together of 100% Head, 100% Hands, 100% Heart to ensure top-quality learning
Patrick Jones - Course author