Understanding Personality

  • Author: Elsie Nemieboka
  • Level: Advanced
  • Modules: 5
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Course overview
One of the greatest assets humans possess is their personality, yet a lack of understanding leads to mismanagement of people. To help you build human relationship, I will describe existing personality types, models, and the process of profiling. 
  • No. of videos: 7
  • Certificate: Yes
This is a basic level of the course that begins with an introduction to the concept of Personality and simplifies the concept to help learners understand the basics of human personality, and also takes us through how to apply the knowledge in daily human relations. You will realize that personality is an essential knowledge that can be applied when interacting with friends, colleagues, siblings etc.

You will explore the psychological mechanisms behind human behaviour, and will help you assess the measure of an individual's personality in different situations.
A practical course delivered by blending experience in Human relationship with acquired knowledge of Psychology. It eases you into the journey of acquiring one of the most important skills of people management. By the end of this course, you will be fully equipped to advance onto the intermediate and advanced levels of this course and get a deeper understanding of the what human personality entails.

You'll learn:
  • How to identify personality of others
  • How to profiling personalities
  • How to use personality in daily human interactions

Happy Learning.

Course contents

Meet the instructor

Elsie Nemieboka

Dedicated HR professional and Trainer with years of experience managing human resource programs, services and functions. A passionate trainer with a range of skills in developing and designing training materials that aid process improvements and staff development within corporate organizations.
Patrick Jones - Course author