Understanding Value Added Tax (VAT) - A Comprehensive Guide

This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Value Added Tax (VAT) in Nigeria, a consumption-based tax levied on the value added at each stage of production or distribution of goods and services. Participants will gain a comprehensive knowledge of VAT principles, its purpose, calculation methods, compliance requirements, and its impact on businesses and consumers. Whether you're an aspiring tax professional, a business owner, or simply interested in taxation, this course will equip you with the necessary knowledge to navigate the world of VAT confidently.


Available date

1, 2023


Yes, upon completion and 80% Passmark


Final Exam - Multiple Choice


Self Pace Learning


Available to Micro Businesses

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For Small Business Owners in Nigeria

This Course will teach you the basics of Value Added Tax and how to calculate it, make payment and render your returns monthly. You will also begin to enjoy the benefits of being a compliant company and can apply for Government contracts, or other grants. 

For upcoming Tax Professionals

You can be a new FIRS Staff, or an experience staff in your State Internal Revenue Service or a final year accounting student, or an employee working in a company, this course is for you to get the comprehensive guide to VAT so that you can excel in your profession. 
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Course Modules

Meet the instructor

The Nigerian Tax Academy

The Nigeria Tax Academy has partnered with Subject Matter Experts from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Institutions of learning, business owners, experienced practitioners to develop a catalog of online courses and live classes to learn all about taxation and running successful businesses. New courses are released every month.
Patrick Jones - Course author